Wordify Australia
With a varied business background across many industries, including
- professional business services,
- education and training,
- food and catering,
- direct sales
- real estate
- traditional media
to name a few, WE UNDERSTAND how to speak to YOUR customers, whether you are a
- Business2Consumer or
- Business2Business operation.
We work closely with you to find out WHO IS YOUR PREFERRED client, and we tailor the posts and writing to reflect your style to reach them.
Often our clients' customers make a comment to them about something “they wrote” in their page, not realising that, in fact, it was us in the pilot seat .....
Don’t worry though – you receive a copy of everything so that you know what is happening.
Another important component is that we connect and engage (chat with) your folks on your social media on your behalf.
We welcome new visitors personally and respond where we can. If the question is of a technical nature, then we let you know so that you can provide the correct information.
We cover all the major Social Media Channels
(and we add in the new ones when they are introduced if they are having an impact in the community).
We also write your blog posts and email marketing, so that your potential and existing clients are receiving up-to-the minute industry information directly from your desk. If there is something specific, like the latest special offer or a terrific event, then we can include that, otherwise, we do the research to find all the content.
Our aim is to present you as the trusted authority in your arena, and to promote you through your contacts to their friends and associates.
We know that this form of word-of-mouth marketing is very powerful.
We DON’T use gimmicks, or buy “false” likes, so no….
you probably won’t see your page grow to 10,000 fans or have 20,000 twitter followers overnight – it can take some months (sometimes a year or so) to fully develop traction. But basically those massive numbers of fake fans or followers are useless, as they aren’t going to buy from you.
We work harder to find the real people who are looking for your services and products and will make you real money, without you needing to work extra hours or try to figure out this “new social media stuff”.
Want more info? Send us an email here: [EMAIL]